Installation of 3D Panels / Information
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Installation of 3D panels

Have you already purchased decorative panels, or are you just about to do so?
In any case, it is advisable to think in advance about the installation of 3D gypsum panels. On the one hand, installation is not a complicated process: however, it is necessary to consider many features and nuances in its implementation.
Installation of 3D gypsum panels requires certain skills and practice. Based on our experience, a sculptor, tiler, good painter, or drywall master will be able to perfectly complete the installation process by following the step-by-step instructions.
For a high-quality installation are essential:
- Wall material. The installation of 3D panels can be carried out on walls made of drywall, concrete, brick, aerated concrete. Installation on wood-lined walls is also practiced.
- Flat and dry surface.
- High-quality gypsum fillers. To ensure effective adhesion of the panels to the wall and each other, we recommend choosing gypsum fillers from trusted manufacturers, such as Pufas.
- The choice of the topcoat and the method of its application.
This instruction offers general guidelines for installation. Our experts will conduct an additional free telephone consultation for everyone
Prepare the walls. Make sure that the walls on which the 3D wall panels are to be installed have a level surface. All irregularities must be leveled with plaster putty.
It is desirable, but not necessary, to prime the walls. In this case, the adhesion of the panel to the wall will be better. Also, make sure the surface is flat, dry, and clean.
Panels are not installed on moving surfaces such as sliding doors, interior windows. In this case, the likelihood of cracks at the joints will be high.
Additional measurement of the wall and recalculation of panels will allow You to see the overall picture of the installation as a whole. Pre-lay out several panels on the floor. It will enable you to finalize the layout of the drawing.
If you plan to arrange a backlight, it is worth thinking about it in advance. It must be borne in mind that the backlight will make even the minor flaws made at the time of installation of the panels obvious.
The preparatory phase is completed. This is followed by the main stage - installation. It can be done in two ways.
Installation: Option 1 (gypsum putty)
To install the first line of panels, it is necessary to mark a line on the wall with a level. It is also possible to install a fixing profile on the wall (horizontally), which will hold the first row (the version with the profile is suitable for walls where the skirting board is to be installed in the future).
When installed in recessed and wall openings, the panels can be installed directly on the lower part of the opening. Use a level to accurately position the first panel on the wall.
Install panels in horizontal rows from bottom to top, starting from the left or right edge. Install the first row of panels and wait for the mortar to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions (usually 20-40 minutes). When installing, try to put the panels together as tightly as possible, in the absence of any special obstacles.
With thin, delicate seams, the area for further processing is reduced.
Note: There are 2 types of panels in the Deco Line collection: seam (where after installation, the seams between the panels emphasize the pattern) and seamless (where after grouting and processing the seams, the wall shimmers with one pattern). Seam models generally do not require further processing and, after installation, can immediately proceed to the coloration stage.
Mortar's application method: apply a thin layer on the wall and/or on the panel, remove the excess with a comb, apply the panel according to the pre-made markings, sit the panel on the wall by moving up and down, left and right by millimeters, as a result, the panel creates a kind of vacuum with the wall. The panels can be installed with glue, gypsum plaster, gypsum glue. If necessary, cut the last row of panels to match the height ceiling. Use a commercially available fine-toothed saw and 120-grit sandpaper.
Installation: Option 2 (fastening elements)
The process of preparing the wall is the same as in the first case. For fastening with fasteners, self-tapping screws and dowels can be used. The choice of self-tapping screws comes from the wall material. For solid walls, traditional sets of self-tapping dowels are used. The size of the screw and dowel is different in specific cases: however, 8x600 or 8x800 may well fit. For drywall - your special kits (special plastic or metal dowels for drywall).
Step-by-step installation by fastening method:
Mark the line using a level on the wall.
Lay the panel horizontally on a table and make 4 holes around the edges (keep at least 5 cm away from the edges of the panels).
To drown the head of the self-tapping screw in the panel, make a countersink (deepening) of the holes.
Bring the panel to the wall and attach it to the attachment point. Using a pencil or a marker, outline the edges of the panel on the wall and, without removing, mark points on the wall for further drilling through the holes in the panel.
Remove the panel from the wall and drill 4 holes with a drill.
After inserting the dowels, apply a thin layer of plaster mortar to the wall.
Attach the panel to the previously made markings and screw with self-tapping screws.
After ensuring that the first row of elements is firmly in place, continue with the installation until all rows of panels have been installed. An obligatory item is the use of plaster putty when installing with dowels. The mixture helps and absorbs minor irregularities on the wall. Wall and/or panel application in a thin layer and passing through a fine comb is mandatory. Make countersinks (indentations) on the gypsum panels for the subsequent filling of the screw heads with a finishing putty. Cut the last row of panels to match the ceiling height if necessary. Use a commercially available fine-toothed saw and 120-grit sandpaper.
Seams process in 3 steps
Immediately after installing the panels, seal the joints between them with a rubber trowel with the same gypsum filler. Try to create a smooth transition. Leave the paneled wall for 24 hours. After drying, treat the seams with fine-grained sandpaper (grain 200), try not to sand the model itself: it is the seams and excess putty that must be sanded during the initial processing. Accentuate the details of the pattern. Put it back on with gypsum putty to close up the smaller drops and let it sit for another 24 hours. Treat with sandpaper.
Finishing takes place with a chalk finishing putty (usually with a ready-made solution in cans). Use contrasting light to spot imperfections. Subsequent sanding is desirable. At a glance, everything should already be very beautiful.
The panels can be colored with acrylic, latex, water-based paints, nitro-enamels, and textured paints. The panels can be pre-primed to reduce paint consumption. Do the painting with a spray gun. The coloration with a roller is allowed only with slightly textured models.