AURORA Bas Relief

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The embodiment of the morning dawn, guarding life, bringing daylight ... All these sonorous epithets are dedicated to one of the most famous ancient Roman goddesses - the beautiful Aurora. According to legend, it was Aurora who carried the first rays of the sun, dispelling the darkness of the night and turning into dust all the fears associated with it. And yet, she was an incredible beauty, before the spell of which not a single man could resist - both an ordinary mortal and an inhabitant of the sacred Pantheon. And even her image can ignite the fire of passion in loving hearts.
Decorative panel AURORA will perfectly fit into classic interiors with ethnic design elements. Executed in a sophisticated manner, the plaster picture will bring a touch of exquisite luxury to the decor of the room. Depending on your personal preferences, you can choose any color scheme - from innocent white to light pink symbolizing the dawn hour or another color option. The vertical orientation of the pattern optically increases the height of the walls, which is especially important for rooms with low ceilings.
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