HORSES Bas Relief

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The HORSES gypsum bas-relief will delight connoisseurs of the graceful beauty of these noble animals and become an ideal decoration for the walls of a living room, dining room, and office in a loft or modern classic style. The image of running horses, as a sign of tireless energy, pressure, and luck, is actively used in many ancient cultures of the peoples of the world. By integrating such a solution into interior design, you will not only emphasize the originality of the interior decoration but also make positive changes in your life and find new strength and motivation to implement any plans!
Thanks to the painstaking work of the masters of Deco Line, the wall composition with horses acquires incredible expressiveness, giving rise to a feeling of freedom and spaciousness even in a small room. The decorative panel is made from an environmentally friendly gypsum mixture that does not contain any toxic compounds. The material is fire-resistant, does not change the clarity of outlines, and does not lose color brightness over time.
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